Copestakes Celebrates Two Years At Arcadia
By Sarah R. Schwartz ’10
Assistant Professor David Copestakes ’02 joined the Art and Design Faculty in 2008, bringing with him 15 years of experience in Graphic Design. Since earning his BFA with a concentration in Graphic Design from Arcadia University, and an MFA from the Tyler School of Art in Graphic and Interactive Design, his work has earned international recognition, and has been featured in publications such as HOW, Rockport Publishing, University and College Designers Association, American Illustration and the Creativity Awards.
Copestakes serves on the executive board of the Philadelphia chapter of AIGA, The Professional Association of Design, and is co-chair of the education committee. Copestakes also manages his own design studio called “Stake Creative Design” and works on varying client-based projects including corporate identities, print publications and website designs.
A little over 12 years ago, Copestakes was an Adult Transfer student at Arcadia who was busy establishing himself as a designer. He remembers being impressed by the ease in which his courses fit within his work schedule. Although scheduling was a cinch, his courses were challenging.
“I found my courses very intellectually stimulating and the professors completely devoted to the students,” he says. “The professors at Arcadia made me want to work at all hours of the night to get that project or paper done and it was because of the challenges and devotion from those professors that turned me on to the idea of teaching.”
Copestakes credits Robert Mauro, Department Chair and Professor of Art and Design, Assistant Professor and Director of Freshmen Seminar, Bonnie Hayes, and the late Judith Taylor as those who most inspired him to pursue education as a career. “It is needless to say it is a dream come true to have the opportunity to join the department. I’m very happy to be a part of Arcadia’s positive energy and honored to be able to give back to the school that gave so much to me.”
Though he’s busy, Copestakes finds time to camp, hike and sample microbrew beer. But his favorite pastime is spending time with his two-year-old son Tyler, who was born just weeks after he began his teaching position at Arcadia. He remains excited to take on the challenges of a new academic year. “There’s a big world outside my humble little classroom,” he says. “I feel my job is to show students they have wings and to teach them how to use them. It is up to them how high they are willing to take themselves after the classes are finished.”