Governed by the Office of Public Safety, parking on campus is a benefit that can be utilized by students, faculty, staff, and visitors. All drivers on campus are expected to follow driving rules and regulations set by the University, Cheltenham Township and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Parking Permit Information
- All vehicles (including motorbikes and motorcycles) must be registered with the Office of Public Safety and visibility display a university-issued parking permit.
- Anyone attempting to register the vehicle of an ineligible campus community member will be subject to Code of Conduct violations and parking regulations.
- Parking permits can be acquired through the Rydin - Parking Permit tile of MyArcadia
- Vehicles must park in the designated areas that correspond with the letter of their parking permit.
- Vehicles parking in unlined paved areas, fire zones or on the grass will be ticketed.
Fees and Designations
- Resident students can purchase a (R) parking permit for $100
- Note: No first-year students are permitted to have a vehicle on campus at any point in time without written permission from the Office of Public Safety.
- Commuter students can purchase a (C) parking permit for $100
- Faculty/Staff (F/S) parking permits are free of charge
- Replacement parking permits can be purchased through the Office of Public Safety for $5.
Parking Violations
Public Safety Issued Violations
Citations issued by Public Safety are subject to a fine of $15 per violation, and will be issued for the following offenses:
- No Valid Permit Displayed
- Parked in an Unauthorized Space or Lot
- Parked in a Fire Zone
- Parked in a Handicapped Space
- Parked in a Non-Parking Area (lawns, spaces without lines, hash marks)
- Violation of Posted Signs
- Parked in two or more spaces
- Violation of University traffic regulations
- Other: Any other violations the officer finds
Citations for illegally parking in a handicap accessible space are subject to a larger fine, and will increase with each offense:
- First Offense: $50
- Second Offense: $100
- Third Offense: $200
- Violators are also subject to ticketing by Cheltenham Township Police
Violation Payment
Parking violations can be paid at the Office of Student Accounts, Finance Administration Building, Room 202. Payments must be made via cash or check, and cannot be charged to your student account.
Payments must be made within five (5) days of violation.
Violation Appeal
Individuals wishing to appeal a ticket or citation must submit a Parking Appeals Form within five days of receipt of the ticket or citation. Forms are also available in the Public Safety Office.
The appeal form must be completed with the ticket attached and submitted to the Public Safety Office. Decision regarding the appeal will be made by the appeals committee, which is comprised of members from Public Safety, KnightCard Services and the Student Government Organization.
Visitors and Guests
A visitor is someone who comes to campus to do business, whereas a guest is coming to campus to visit a student.
All visitors and guests must obtain a Temporary Visitors’s Parking Permit from the Public Safety Office, and are required to park in designated parking lots for the duration of their time on campus.
Hosts are financially responsible for parking violation citations received by their visitors and guests.