Officer Cruz Rivera (1961 -2022), left, and Senior Sergant Bruce Gant, right, look over emergency procedures for Arcadia University.
In Case of an Emergency
Contact Public Safety at 215-572-2800 (ext. 2800 on campus) or 215-572-2999 (ext. 2999 on campus) for emergencies.
Arcadia.edu is a resource for up-to-date information about campus alerts, emergencies, or closures.
As a situation is addressed and unfolds, in addition to the immediate personal notification of the SendWord Now system (see below), alerts will be posted on the Arcadia.edu home page at the top of the screen and posted across social media channels and via Arcadia email and Arcadia.edu, as appropriate.
Crisis Communication
Emergency Notification System
Arcadia’s Emergency Notification System, SendWordNow, is used for campus emergency announcements, including weather-related closings or delays. The system sends an e-mail and text messages to all registered users in the event of an incident posing an immediate threat to life safety.
- The system is for students, staff, and faculty. During the registration process, you can add family members if needed.
- Text, voicemail, and Arcadia e-mail messages are sent simultaneously to all recipients enrolled in the system.
- Recipients are reminded automatically to review contact information once a semester.
Emergency Notification System SendWordNow FAQs
Am I required to sign up?
No. You are automatically enrolled in the system. You may opt-out.
Why should I sign up?
This system is used for campus emergency announcements, including weather-related closings or delays. Text, voicemail and Arcadia e-mail messages are sent simultaneously to all recipients enrolled in the system.
Who can sign up?
This emergency notification system is for Arcadia students, faculty, staff and on-campus contractors.
What are the benefits of text messaging?
It’s fast (delivery within seconds of an announcement), accurate and easy to use. Text, voicemail and Arcadia e-mail messages are sent simultaneously to all recipients enrolled in the system.
Can I only receive emails?
Yes. Your Arcadia email address is automatically part of the system. You may enter up to two additional email addresses.
When will the system be used?
This system is used for campus emergency announcements, including weather-related closings or delays. Messages sent in the event of a life-threatening emergency will be designed to convey actions you should take to protect yourself.
How many phone numbers can I enter?
How many e-mail addresses can I register?
Two. Remember that your Arcadia e-mail address is already part of the system, so only register non-Arcadia e-mail addresses.
What is SendWordNow?
Arcadia has selected SendWordNow as the vendor for our emergency notification system.
Can I change my phone numbers and emails or opt-out after I register?
Will I receive unsolicited messages ("SPAM") on my mobile phone or email account?
Is my phone set up for text messaging?
If you’re not sure, check with your carrier. Your mobile phone plan will need to accept text messages to work properly.
Will this cost me anything?
Maybe. Depending on your wireless carrier provider and the plan you have, you may be charged a nominal fee (like ten cents per message) to receive SMS text messages. Many people have unlimited text messaging plans, so there would be no additional charge.
Where is the registration page?
Use the button below to enter your Arcadia email address without the @arcadia.edu and complete the form as instructed.
Press and Media
During the coordination of emergency response on Arcadia University’s campus, use these simple guidelines for press inquiries:
- Contact Dan DiPrinzio, Director of Communications, at 215-439-3338 or diprinziod@arcadia.edu.
Campus Support Services
Public Safety
Campus safety and security is a priority at Arcadia University. In an effort to maintain a safe environment for the University community, we employ a trained public safety staff. Public Safety Officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day and operate an around-the-clock communications center. An escort service is available for on-campus facilities. Student desk receptionists monitor the residence hall lobby entrances during the evening hours.
Student Health Services
Student Health Services endeavors to support the student's physical and emotional self while in the pursuit of their education. We nurture students as they strive for independence by teaching self-care concepts and encouraging safe and thoughtful practices as health care consumers.
Counseling Services
Psychological emergencies (risk of harm to self or others) are seen immediately during regular counseling hours. If a psychological emergency occurs outside of regular counseling hours, please contact Public Safety (x2999) and Residence Life directly. Additional emergency response may be necessary, including contact with the Director of Residence Life, the Assistant Dean, or the Dean of Students.
What Should You Do?
Act of Violence
If you receive a text of an act of violence in your immediate area (i.e., active assaulter/shooter, campus violence, etc.):
- Scan and assess your situation.
- Consider your options and act.
- Familiarize yourself with your environment.
- Go to a room if you are not in one.
- Lock and block doors.
- Turn out lights and stay low.
- Put your phone on vibrate.
- Remain quiet and calm; listen for activity, signs of help or direction.
- Local police (911) or university officials will secure the scene.
- Announcements through the Emergency Notification System.
Chemical Spill
Stay inside and look for a lowest level room with interior walls. Stairwells, bathrooms, and closets are locations.
- Put as many walls as possible between you and the exterior of the building.
- Avoid interior and exterior doors.
- Move away from areas where cleaning supplies (chemicals) or fuel are stored.
- Secure all doors.
For any number of incidents, including fire, chemical spill, gas/utility leak, or severe weather:
- Follow signs to exit the building.
- Help those who need extra assistance.
- Head to a designated safe point.
The University conducts fire drills and will coordinate them throughout the year on campus to prepare our community. Our process is as follows:
- Activation of the notification system: Pulling of the fire alarm.
- Response of the community:
- Evacuate the building in a calm, orderly manner.
- Follow instructions from the emergency personnel.
- Response of trained designated emergency responders: Evaluate and address situation.
- End of incident: When emergency personnel notify, community members return to normal activities.
Medical Attention
If someone is in need of medical attention:
- Remain calm.
- Call Public Safety at 215-572-2999/cell or x2999/campus phone. For off-campus medical emergencies, call 911. Public Safety will respond to a situation in which any staff member, student, or visitor of the University requires emergency medical assistance.
- Unless it is unsafe to do so, remain on the scene until Public Safety arrives.
- Do not move the injured person unless there is danger of further harm.
- Keep the injured person warm.
- Do not exceed your training or knowledge when attempting to render first aid.
Pandemic Outbreak
- Stay in your room and rest! ALSO, WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY
- Keep your fever down; take Tylenol or Ibuprofen, two tablets every 4 hours—(Extra Strength Tylenol, two tablets every 8 hours)
- Stay hydrated
- Email your professors and coaches
- Prescription drugs for the flu are recommended to be used only for high-risk populations (i.e., chronic illness, asthma, immune-compromised patients)
- You may return to class after being fever free for 24 hours
- Call Student Health Services (215-527-2966) or email (shs@arcadia.edu) with any questions
Ebola Information
Arcadia University is monitoring recommendations by the CDC and has taken many steps to be informed and prepared. For students, staff, and faculty on the Glenside campus, Student Health Services has teamed with Abington Hospital’s Ebola Triage Unit, which has generously provided guidelines and screening information[LINK] for the general community. Arcadia recommends that you review the Abington Hospital Ebola Information Guide to inform yourself before and after you travel.
Diagnosing Ebola in someone who has been infected for only a few days is difficult, because the early symptoms, such as fever, are nonspecific to Ebola infection and are seen often in patients with more commonly occurring diseases such as the flu or viral infection.
If a person is concerned that he or she displays the early symptoms of Ebola after being in an area where Ebola is present, the first contact should be the Abington Hospital Ebola Triage Unit at 215-481-6866 for an over-the-phone screening in the Montgomery County, Pa., area.
Power Outage
- Remain calm, and stay where you are.
- Evacuate ONLY if instructed to do so by emergency personnel or supervisor.
- Call Public Safety at at 215-572-2999/cell or x2999/campus phone and describe:
- Your location.
- What areas are affected by the power outage.
- How long the power has been out.
- Any significant water damage, flooding, gas leak, or any other major utility failure.
- Any injuries.
- Stay on the phone until released by the dispatcher.
- Turn off all electrical devices such as computers as damage can occur once power is restored.
- Laboratory personnel should secure all experiments and unplug electrical equipment before leaving.
- All chemicals should be returned to their proper storage place.
- Provide appropriate ventilation by opening all windows and doors.
- Evacuate immediately if you are unable to provide appropriate ventilation for chemicals; call Public Safety.
- DO NOT open cold-rooms, refrigerators, or other temperature-sensitive areas.
- If caught inside an elevator during a power outage:
- Remain calm.
- DO NOT attempt to open the elevator door by shaking, jarring, or prying open the elevator door unless directed to do so by emergency personnel.
- Press the emergency button or call Public Safety at 215-572-2999/cell or x2999/campus phone and tell the dispatcher: Your location; What floor you are near; Any injuries; Stay on the phone until released by the dispatcher.
Suspicious Package
- Remain calm.
- Stay away from the package.
- DO NOT allow anyone to handle or go near the package.
- If a suspicious package is discovered while handling, avoid dropping, throwing, or any other abrupt movement; gently set the package down in a secluded area that has been evacuated.
- DO NOT use any cell phones, radios, or other wireless devices around the package.
- MOVE AWAY FROM THE PACKAGE and call Public Safety at at 215-572-2999/cell or x2999/campus phone.
- State the location of the package and provide a description.
- Stay on the phone until released by the dispatcher.
- If you touched the package, immediately wash your hands, arms, etc. with soap and water for 15 minutes.
- Stay inside and look for lowest level room with interior walls. Stairwells, bathrooms and closets are locations.
- Put as many walls as possible between you and the exterior of building.
- Avoid interior and exterior doors.
- Move away from areas where cleaning supplies (any chemicals) or fuel is stored.
- Secure all doors.
- Secure or remove from your shelter all items that are not secure (office supplies, items on shelves, knives, scissors, etc.)
Shelter-in-place is designed to keep you safe while indoors if dangerous environmental conditions exist, such as extreme weather or a hazardous materials release.
If a shelter-in-place is ordered:
- If outside, seek shelter in the nearest building, preferably in an interior room with few windows.
- Allow access to others seeking shelter. Remember: A Shelter-in-Place order means there are dangerous environmental conditions but NOT any known threat of violent behavior. Allowing others into the building will not jeopardize your safety.
- Close all exterior doors, windows and any other openings to the outside.
- Avoid overcrowding by selecting several rooms if necessary.
- Monitor Send Word Now and email for further instructions.
- Report any emergencies or unusual conditions to Public Safety.
- Do not leave the building until receiving the “all clear” from a police officer, Public Safety officer, Send Word Now, email, or website communication.
Student In Distress
If you are in contact with a student who appears to be an immediate threat to their own safety or the safety of others, call Public Safety at (215) 572-2999.
Recognize Symptoms
- Significant change in academic performance and/or classroom conduct
- Unusual behavior or appearance
- Traumatic event or change in relationships
- Reference to suicide, homicide, or death
Respond to the Student
- Speak privately with student
- Directly and candidly discuss your observation and concerns
- Offer support and assistance
- If you are uncomfortable responding to the student directly and the student is not in crisis, contact the Office of Student Affairs at 215-572-2933.
- If the student is in crisis, immediately call Public Safety at 215-572-2999.
Refer to a Mental Health Professional at Counseling Services
- Be caring, firm, and straight-forward in your referral
- Consider calling from your office or escorting student to Counseling Services
Consult with On-Campus Resources – Discuss your concerns about a student with any of the following on campus resources.
- Counseling Services
- Student Health Services
- Public Safety
- Office of Student Affairs
- CARE Team (AU Concern Form)
Winter Storm
Arcadia University implements the following procedures for announcing delays/closings during periods of inclement winter weather:
- The decision to delay or close the University due to inclement weather is made by Vice President for Administration and Finance (CFO), in consultation with senior University officials.
- Closings and delays are announced using the following methods:
- Send Word Now
- Broadcast voicemail messages to University phones
- KYW Radio – 1060 AM
- Emergency/Weather closing hotline at 215-572-2800
- University Website
- Do not come to campus when a weather-related closing is announced. Employee access to inner-campus is typically limited to emergency vehicles and snow removal personnel. If a weather closing is possible, take any needed items from campus in advance as you may not be permitted to enter until snow removal is complete.
Elevator Failure
If you become trapped in an elevator, the following actions should be taken:
- DO NOT panic. Use the elevator phone or your cell phone to call for assistance.
- Press the ALARM or HELP button to notify others who may be nearby.
- DO NOT attempt to force the door open or attempt to climb out of the elevator car. The elevator may re-start without warning.
- Your best course of action is to relax, get comfortable, and wait for professional assistance. Even if the air temperature feels warm, there is plenty of air circulating in the elevator and throughout the shaft.
- Provide the following information to Public Safety:
- Your name
- Total number of people in the elevator
- Report any injuries, medical conditions, or disabilities
- Public Safety will contact Facilities Management and/or the fire department to get you out.
Hostage Situation
If you witness a hostage situation:
Immediately remove yourself from any danger and notify the Department of Public Safety at x2999 or (215) 572-2999. Be prepared to provide the following information:
- Location and room number of incident.
- Number of possible hostages and hostage takers.
- Physical description and names of hostage takers, if possible.
- Any weapons the hostage takers may have.
- Your name, location and phone number.
If you are taken hostage:
- Remain calm, be polite and cooperate with your captors.
- DO NOT attempt escape unless there is an extremely good chance of survival. It is safer to be submissive and obey your captors.
- Speak normally. DO NOT complain and avoid being belligerent or argumentative.
- DO NOT draw attention to yourself with sudden body movements, statements, comments or hostile looks.
- Observe the captors and try to memorize their physical traits, voice patterns, clothing or other details that can help provide a description later.
- Avoid getting into political or ideological discussions with the captors.
- Try to establish a relationship with your captors and get to know them. Captors are less likely to harm you if they respect you.
- If forced to present terrorist demands to authorities, either in writing or on tape, state clearly that the demands are from your captors. Avoid making a plea on your own behalf.
- Try to stay low to the ground or behind cover from windows or doors, if possible.
In a rescue situation:
- DO NOT RUN. Drop to the floor and remain still. If that is not possible, cross your arms, bow your head, and stand still. Make no sudden moves that a responder may interpret as hostile or threatening.
- Wait for instructions and obey all instructions you are given.
- Do not be upset, resist, or argue if a rescuer isn’t sure if you are a terrorist or a hostage.
- Even if you are handcuffed and searched DO NOT resist. You will be taken to a safe area, where proper identification and status will be determined.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is having or attempting to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact with another individual without consent. This includes sexual intercourse or sexual contact achieved by the use or threat of force or coercion, where an individual does not consent to the sexual act, or where an individual is incapacitated. Having or attempting to have non-consensual vaginal, anal, or oral penetration, however slight, with any object or body part, with another person is considered sexual assault.
How to assist an individual reporting sexual assault:
- Assist the individual to get medical attention as soon as possible:
- Contact Student Health Services at 215-572-2966 or go to Health Services. After hours and on weekends, contact Public Safety at 215-572-2999. Medical attention at the local hospital is required to preserve evidence should you seek criminal prosecution. It is important to know if you go to the hospital; the local police will be called.
- If you suspect they may have been given a predatory rape drug, please give health care professionals this information. A urine sample can be collected within 72 hours of a sexual assault for predatory drug testing. The cost for this test is paid for by the University.
- Seek free confidential counseling at the University Counseling Services or via Montgomery County Victim Services, 610-277-5200, address 325 Swede St. Norristown, PA 19401
- Contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator, at 215-572-2659 to discuss their options and for support resources.
- Contact Arcadia Department of Public Safety at (215) 572-2999
- The individual should also consider contacting the police department where the incident took place to file a report and to obtain additional resources.
What to do in the event you or a friend are sexually assaulted:
- Get medical attention as soon as possible:
- Contact Student Health Services at 215-572-2966 or go to Health Services. After hours and on weekends, contact Public Safety at 215-572-2999. Medical attention at the local hospital is required to preserve evidence should you seek criminal prosecution. It is important to know if you go to the hospital, the local police will be called.
- If you suspect that you may have been given a predatory rape drug, please give health care professionals this information. A urine sample can be collected within 72 hours of a sexual assault for predatory drug testing. The cost for this test is paid for by the University.
- Contact Public Safety at (215) 572-2999 and/or the local police department where the incident took place to obtain all your options.
- Do not drink anything or chew anything, change clothing, shower, wash, douche, or use the toilet prior to a medical exam. Do not apply medication to injuries unless absolutely necessary.
- Do not disturb anything in the area where the assault occurred.
- Do not store your clothing in anything other than a paper bag.
- See free confidential counseling at the University Counseling Services.
- Discuss your options and receive support from University’s Office of Civil rights and Equity/Title IX, at 215-572-2659.
- Contact Arcadia Department of Public Safety at (215) 572-2999
- The individual should also consider contacting the police department where the incident took place to file a report and to obtain additional resources.
Additional Information
Consent if often a critical issue in sexual assault cases. Each participant in a sexual encounter is expected to obtain and give consent to engage in all forms of sexual activity:
- Consent is an explicitly communicated, reversible mutual agreement in which all parties are capable of making a decision. It is informed, voluntary, and actively given.
- Consent exists when all parties exchange mutually understandable affirmative words or behavior indication their agreement to participate voluntarily in sexual activity.
- Consent may not be inferred from silence, passivity, lack of resistance or lack of an active response alone.
- A person who does not physically resist or verbally refuse sexual activity is not necessarily giving consent.
- An individual who is physically incapacitated from alcohol or other drug consumption (voluntarily or involuntarily), or is unconscious, unaware or otherwise physically impaired is considered unable to give consent.
- Being intoxicated or impaired by drugs or alcohol is never an excuse for sexual assault, sexual harassment, or other sexual misconduct and does not diminish one’s responsibility to obtain consent.
- Just because someone has consented to sex in the past, doesn’t mean that they’re consenting now.
About COVID-19
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common throughout the world. These viruses can live in animals and, at times, evolve and infect people, before spreading through human to human contact. Human coronaviruses spread just like the flu or a cold-through the air by coughing or sneezing, through close personal contact, like touching or shaking hands; by touching an object or surface with the viruses on it; and occasionally, through fecal contamination.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19 infection. The best way to avoid infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Currently, there are no additional precautions recommended for the general public to take. However, as a reminder, CDC recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses such as the cold, flu, and COVID-19, including:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Get a flu vaccine.
At Student Health Services, we are taking precautions to identify cases as early as possible should they occur among members of the University community in coordination with local and state health departments as per our standard practice.
If you become sick with respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, fever) within 14 days of returning from travel, you should contact SHS.
If you are unable to connect with a member of the Arcadia SHS team for consultation and choose to go to another healthcare provider, please make sure they are aware of your recent travel history, including your travel itinerary, destination(s), length of stay and airports you visited. Faculty and staff should consult with their primary care physician.
For More Information
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) established a website for up-to-date information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.
If you have specific medical questions about coronavirus and your health, you can contact Student Health Services at 215-572-2966 or shs@arcadia.edu.
Individuals traveling internationally should be aware of the CDC’s specific guidance for travelers. University-sponsored travelers should consult with Dan Devery, Travel Health and Safety Manager: deveryd@arcadia.edu.