Hey! My name is Nico Gendron and I am a third year at the University of Virginia and a native of Boston, MA. I am a Modern Studies English major with an emphasis in journalism. I hope to be a reporter, film critic and or work for a start-up one day. In my free time, I enjoy going on adventures to explore new places, visiting bodies of water (especially the ocean!), seeing a good movie or having long dinners with family or friends. I live for a good story, therefore; am beyond excited to share my stories and ones I hear during my time abroad in Australia. I am interested in interviewing people around what one keeps (or leaves behind) when one makes the big move to Sydney. It is like the old conversation starter- “If your house was burning down and you could only take one thing, what you would take?” Ultimately, this “thing” lends itself to a deeper story. Stay tuned! And thank you for reading!
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