Committee on the Protection of Research Subjects Reduces Carbon Footprint
The Committee on the Protection of Research Subjects (COPRS) took steps to reduce its environmental impact by lowering the number of paper copies required for proposal submission. Effective March 1, all researchers submitting proposals to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Research with Humans and/or the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) must submit only one original, signed complete paper copy, and one PDF file of the original signed copy of their proposal for all levels of review to COPRS Office in Heinz Hall. “We hope that this will significantly reduce paper consumption and in turn, our carbon footprint,” says Peggy Hickman, Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership. “In addition, all communication from COPRS personnel regarding revisions and approvals will be sent to the Principal Investigators via e-mail.” Learn more about COPRS and Arcadia University’s dedication to protect the welfare of human and animal subjects involved in research.