Justin Staller Traces the Legacy of Printmaking at Arcadia University

By Purnell T. Cropper | March 4, 2011


Before attending the opening reception for the 2011 Faculty Exhibition, scale 1:1, Adjunct Professor of Printmaking Justin Staller spoke on camera about his creative influences and connections to Arcadia University, all while recreating his homage to Benton Spruance‘s 1932 lithograph “Girl with Cigarette.”

“Not only is this the same room that my aunt [Diane Exline ’72] went to school at—where she finished her art education—but it’s also the room that Spruance was in. There’s kind of this circling, spiraling of things all happening at once,” said Staller.

Staller’s CMYK construction intagliotype is on display now in the Arcadia University Art Gallery until Sunday, March 6. Watch the interview and demo on YouTube.

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