MBA Students to Study Economy, Visit Companies in Rome

By Purnell T. Cropper | September 11, 2012

Two Arcadia University M.B.A. cohorts will depart for Italy on Saturday, Sept. 15, for a one-week international business experience in Rome. Nearly 40 students will join Thomas Brinker, Jr., Professor of Accounting and Executive Director of the M.B.A. program, and Raymond Lamorgese, M.B.A. Capstone Professor, to study the country’s developed economy and marketplace. The trip will be the second international business experience for students in Cohort 16, who studied an emerging economy in Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2011, and the first international business experience for students in Cohort 18, who began the M.B.A. program in January 2012.

While studying in Rome, students will meet with professionals from the U.S. Embassy; Brioni, an Italian fashion house; Eni, an Italian multinational oil and gas company and Italy’s largest industrial company; Baker & McKenzie, an international law firm; EnLabs, Italy’s foremost open incubator and pioneer in innovation and entrepreneurship; and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, an Italian bank and joint-stock company.

Students will also have the opportunity to visit the Vatican Museums; St. Peter’s Square and St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City; Piazza Navona, a city square in Rome; the Pantheon building; and the Trevi Fountain, the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most famous fountains in the world.