- Education
University of Rochester
Bachelor of Arts, cum laudeCornell University
Ph.D. in Social-Personality Psychology
Arcadia faculty member since 1992
Arcadia Courses Taught:
Social Psychology (PY331)
Personality Psychology (PY332)
Senior Seminar (PY490-PY491)
Vice and Virtue on Stage and Screen (PY285)
Kirzner, R. S. & Miserandino, M. (2023). Self-Determination theory and social work values. Research on Social Work Practice Special Issue. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10497315231155424
Kirzner, R.S., Robbins, I., Privitello, M., & Miserandino, M. (2021). ‘Listen and learn:’ participant input in program planning for a low-income urban population at cardiovascular risk. BMC Public Health, 21, 504 (2021).
Miserandino, M. (2018). Personality Psychology: Foundations and Findings, 2ed. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
Miserandino, M. (2012). Personality Psychology: Foundations and Findings. Boston, MA: Prentice Hall / Pearson Education.
Miserandino, M. (2020). Internships: The example of Arcadia University. In A. Schwartz & R. L. Miller (Ed.), High Impact Teaching Practices. Society for the Teaching of Psychology. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site: http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/highimpacted
Miserandino, M. (2020/2006). Personality Pedagogy: A Wiki of resources for the teaching of personality psychology. http://personalitypedagogy.net.
Miserandino, M. (2015). Teaching Personality Psychology. In D. Dunn (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Undergraduate Psychology Education (pp. 495-508). New York: Oxford University Press.
Research Summary
- Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Personal
- Staying Socially Active While Social Distancing
- Dr. Miserandino Publishes Chapter on Psychology’s Internship Program
- Dr. Miserandino Uses Pandemic to Illustrate Social Psychology
- Dr. Miserandino Co-Authors Study on Cardiovascular Risks
- Arcadia Magazine Winter 2025: Being Intelligent About Artificial Intelligence