Arcadia Community Unites for Diversity in Response to Executive Order

By Caitlin Burns | February 3, 2017

Amber Amin ’17 speaks during the unity rally on Feb. 3.

A crowd of more than 100 students, faculty, and staff joined together on Feb. 3 to unite in response to the Executive Order by the White House. While holding signs that called for diversity in communities, attendees were invited to share their concerns and hopes for the future.

“I am glad to see that so many of you are here, braving the cold weather, to let our university community know that no Executive Order can tear us apart,” said Criminal Justice Society President Samantha Compitello ’17. “Arcadia University is a home to so many of us, from all walks of life, and we truly learn from each about our different cultures, religions, ethnicities, and experiences. I want you all to know that hate has no home at Arcadia University.”

While some attendees shared poetry and prose, others spoke of personal experiences. Amber Amin ’17, a Muslim and daughter of two immigrants, said that Arcadia has become a safe place since the Executive Order with so many members of the community showing support for those impacted. Others encouraged attendees to stand up for themselves and others when they see injustices in the world.

“The change starts right here at Arcadia University,” said Judy Dalton, Associate Dean of the Office of Institutional Diversity. “Don’t lose sight. Analyze–look at what’s going on here, and pay attention.”