Haber Green Illuminated: Shedding Light onto Evening Intramurals and Recreation

By schwartzsa | October 18, 2011

As the autumn leaves fall and the weather turns cooler, the days are also getting shorter. So, for the first time since it’s reopening the Haber Green was lit to accommodate outdoor campus recreation into the evening on Oct. 18. In celebration, Jack Jephson, Director of Intramurals and Recreation, organized an evening of volleyball and Frisbee under seven newly installed pole lamps.

Now that the campus has a new glow, Jephson has another Haber Green event up his sleeve. Following Arcadia students’ participation in the 4th Annual Walk to End Domestic Violence on Saturday, Oct. 22, Intramurals and Recreation will host a Matball game from 2 to 4 p.m. For each run scored, Jephson will donate $1 to benefit the Special Olympics. Food and refreshments will be served.