Dr. Varlack Quoted in “Chronicle of Higher Education” Article Highlighting Arcadia’s Combating Anti-Black Racism Efforts

By Emily Horowitz | November 29, 2023

Dr. Christopher Varlack, executive director of the Center for Antiracist Scholarship, Advocacy, and Action (CASAA), director of Pan African Studies, and assistant professor of English, was quoted extensively in an article in “The Chronicle of Higher Education” titled, “Where Do Colleges’ Antiracism Centers Go From Here?”

The reporter spoke with Varlack about Arcadia’s efforts to combat anti-Black racism through interdisciplinary research, community partnerships, and public engagement, in a climate of increased opposition to antiracist and DEI initiatives in states such as Ohio, Florida, and Texas. Below is an excerpt from the article.

“Varlack suggests aligning the work of an antiracism center with the larger goals of the college as much as possible. ‘If their work is an extension of ongoing work at the institution, then there’s all the more reason to continue funding those initiatives.’

But perhaps the most important contributor to long-term success is investment from members of the college community, Varlack added. If people want to see institutions transform, then the faculty and staff need to engage with the programs and initiatives in place. This can include attending lectures and panels put on by the center and incorporating its research into class syllabi and strategic plans.

‘The work antiracism centers do is only effective if it permeates throughout the larger culture of the institution,’ Varlack said.”

You can read the article on the Chronicle’s website here. You may need to create a free account to view it in its entirety.