Shultz and Shultz: ‘Fostering Social Responsibility: Pedagogies That Matter’
Dr. Norah Shultz, Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences and Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Education, and Dr. Jeff Shultz, Assistant Provost for Special Projects, were invited to participate in a session on “Fostering Social Responsibility: Pedagogies That Matter” at the Association of American Colleges & Universities conference on “Faculty Roles in High-Impact Practices” held in Philadelphia, March 25-27.
“If educating students for personal and social responsibility is a necessary component of college learning in this global century, what practices and pedagogies accelerate student learning in these areas? How can faculty weave ethical questions into courses to illuminate unexamined assumptions, encourage engagement with urgent questions of the day, and offer opportunities for ‘moral rehearsals’ where values are practiced and refined?” they asked in the session, which drew upon innovative curricular designs and pedagogies emerging from two AAC&U projects: Shared Futures: Global Learning and Social Responsibility and Core Commitments: Education Students for Personal and Social Responsibility. Research findings from Core Commitments about practices that help promote students’ moral formation were shared.
“Our portion focused on the AU Undergraduate Curriculum and specifically the Global Connections Experience and Reflection and Global Connections Intellectual Practices as key places in the curriculum where social responsibility is fostered,” they said.