Dr. McClure Contributes to Guidelines for Concussion Treatment

By RetterJ | December 1, 2018

Dr. Phil McClure, professor and chair of Physical Therapy, was featured in Business Wire’s “MedRisk’s ISAB Creates Guidelines for Treating Concussion Symptoms,” an article analyzing the first vestibular therapy guidelines for workers suffering from concussions. Dr. McClure is an advisor to MedRisk and leader of the organization’s International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB), which produced the guidelines.

“Based on a review of the most current evidence and expert consensus, MedRisk’s vestibular therapy guidelines provide visit recommendations for non-complicated cases, which are defined as those that have no additional musculoskeletal issues, comorbidities, or injuries that require surgery,” wrote Business Wire. “ISAB is an elite panel of world-renowned specialists in physical medicine and workers’ compensation who oversee all clinical aspects of MedRisk’s medical management programs, including the development and maintenance of its proprietary evidence-based guidelines.”