COVID-19 Update: Courses Online for Remainder of Spring 2020 Semester
Arcadia University has made the necessary decision that all academic courses and experiences will remain online for the rest of the Spring 2020 semester.
This decision has been made after careful assessment and in consultation with local officials and experts in public health and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends that, for the next eight weeks, organizers of in-person gatherings of 50 or more people postpone such events throughout the United States. You might have seen late today further guidance from the federal government advising an even smaller limit on social convenings (of 10 or fewer). Many details are still developing, and we will continue doing our best to keep faculty, staff, students, and families informed.
Faculty and staff are pursuing this academic transformation with energy and creativity, working to bring courses, assignments, and projects to life in a virtual environment. Important academic milestones such as Capstone, final exams, and projects will also occur online.
Of course, ongoing academic support for students will be available as always. Professors are accessible electronically, and all offices that provide various kinds of academic, professional, and personal support are continuing their work online. We expect that some existing academic timelines will be shifted, and we will remain flexible and aware of these extraordinary circumstances when considering exceptions to relevant academic policies.
On top of the uncertainty and concern we are grappling with increasingly each day, my heart goes out to those who are graduating this semester. I know you have many unanswered questions; I ask for your patience as our leadership team solidifies our process and communicates details. All information and updates from the University are centralized at We are working on ways to ensure a fulfilling and robust educational experience for all community members, and we will continue to do so each day.
Jeff Rutenbeck
Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost
Arcadia University