Strategy Development Continues with “Work in Progress” Exhibition

By Caitlin Burns | December 18, 2019
Man in suit speaks to group in front of presentation.

Dr. Jeff Rutenbeck and Rashmi Radhakrishnan presenting to community members

On Dec. 17,  members of the Arcadia University community explored areas of sustainability, First-Year Student Experience, civic engagement, and other topics that emerged from the Strategy Development sessions held throughout the fall 2019 semester.

Throughout the day, Dr. Jeff Rutenbeck, Rashmi Radhakrishnan, and Joseph Sun led presentations on the strategy development process, taking attendees through the aforementioned initiatives and timeline. They explained how the process incorporates the work of the President’s Commission on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI), which was established to conduct a comprehensive review of Arcadia’s policies, practices, and campus climate to ensure each align with the University’s Vision and Lived Values.

“We’ve learned so much through this strategy development process, and it’s been a great way to emphasize what matters to our community,” said Dr. Rutenbeck, provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs. “This is an adaptive strategy, so as we explore these themes of academic excellence through impact and authenticity, student success and engagement, social responsibility and impact, and campus culture and community, we have an approach that is continuously checking on itself to make sure we’re on the right track.” 

The “Work in Progress” exhibition and talks on Dec. 17 yielded feedback from more than 110 community members. Thus far, Dr. Rutenbeck, Radhakrishnan (vice president for Information Technology and chief information officer), and Sun (director of Strategic Initiatives), have met with 36 units across campus and received nearly 400 input cards to continue the conversation on adaptive strategy.

Another Progress Exhibition will be held in January before a draft adaptive strategy is reviewed by the Arcadia community.