Dr. Longacre, Sweeney, Cygan to Speak at Aug. 2 Oncology Caregiving Webinar

Dr. Margaret Longacre, associate professor and chair of Public Health, is set to speak at a webinar on Aug. 2 about oncology caregiving.
Hosted by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship Cancer Policy & Advocacy Team (NCCS CPAT), the webinar will also feature Mary Sweeney, vice president for Human Resources and Employee Experience, and Michele Cygan, director of Compensation and Benefits.
They will be joined by NCCS CPAT member Christina Sisti, DPS, MPH, MS, discussing her experience as a caregiver to her late husband and her own cancer diagnosis.
Topics will include:
- The demands of oncology caregiving and the ways that support might be possible from health systems, including integration of caregivers into care to recognize needs, and from employers.
- Supporting caregivers specifically related to employment and financial needs. The webinar will focus on policies and strategies that can support caregivers (e.g., FMLA) in terms of career flexibility and financial needs.
- In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic and employee demands, employers are now focusing more on employee well-being programs and updating HR policies to meet employee needs. You can register for the webinar using this Zoom link.